Which one is better? Mac or Windows

Which one is better Mac or Windows

The question should be Which one is better for your needs?

Mac or Windows: It’s a debate that needs no introduction, up there with the likes of “Xbox or PlayStation,” “Coke or Pepsi,” or “Gif or Jpeg”:


Mac or Windows?

Unlike those other questions, though; the answer to this one can have a real impact on your quality of life – especially the case if you need the computer for school or work. 

Well, have no fear – while a lot of it comes down to personal preference. There are some things Windows computers do better than Macs and vice versa. Below, we’ll take a look at each.


Why Windows Over Mac?

1. More Cost Effective

It’s no secret that in comparison to Mac or Windows, Mac computers are more expensive than their Windows counterparts. This has to do with certain innovations like the ultra-sensitive trackpad or the long-lasting lithium battery. 

However, the issue with Macs is that – much like with some high-end cars – the parts are easy to swapped out. This is especially true with newer Macs – because they’re so thin, many of the parts are into place. 

With Windows, it’s more than easy to buy memory, a new GPU, or a hard drive and swap them out with your old components.

In this way, you can keep your PC updated for years. So, Windows computers have a longer “hardware lifespan” than Macs.


There are also many more PC models than Mac models available, which translates to a larger price range: regardless of your budget. You’ll be able to find a PC that fits to it, whether that’s a cheaper Lenovo or a more expensive Asus. 

On the other hand even the smallest MacBook, the MacBook Air, starts at 350 KD.


2. Better For Gamers

There’s a reason we say “PC gamers” and not just “computer gamers.”

Mac has definitely increased its game library over the last ten years, but it’s been a bit of a slow catch-up.

Thousands of games are available on PC that aren’t on Mac. If you’re a gamer and want to buy a Mac, you’ll have to check out which games are available on that OS; with Windows computers. You can just assume a game is going to run naturally. 

PCs are also better for gamers in that you can swap out the GPU if you need a new one for the latest game. Swapping out a Mac GPU is just about impossible!


3. Makes Better Use of System Memory

If you’re using your computer for work or school, chances are you’ll eventually have many files are on it. This is where system memory becomes important, and where Windows has a clear advantage over Mac.  Why?

Well, computer memory has two types: random-access memory (RAM) and virtual memory. When RAM is close to full, the computer will make use of virtual memory on the hard drive to free up some of that space. 

With Windows, you’ll definitely notice some slow down if much of your memory is there, but the system won’t crash. Macs, on the other hand, can crash if your memory is too full – this is actually a huge problem for Mac users who have a lot of files on their computers.


Why Mac Over Windows?

1. A Simpler, Smoother Experience

Macs put a lot of emphasis on user experience – they look stylish and operate smoothly.  The trackpad is very easy to use, generally more touch sensitive than Windows counterparts which can get “stuck.” 

The Mac OS is also popular for being more intuitive than that of Windows computers.

The tradeoff here is that Windows OS is more highly customizable. If you’re someone who doesn’t care about tweaking your experience and are fine with a set, smooth one, Mac is a good choice.

Mac computers also provide OS updates for free – Windows updates are not free and tend to be hit or miss (we’re looking at you, Windows 8). 

Finally, Apple customer service is the best: just about every Apple product comes with free 90-day phone support and a 1-year warranty.


2. Better for Design

Macs have long been associated with artistic endeavors, design, and architecture. This is due partly to their ease of use, as well as the fact that Mac used to have a lot of exclusive design software. 

Nowadays, this is less the case as many of those programs have been made cross-compatible with Windows. However, there are still a few Apple exclusive apps such as Sketch and Procreate (available only for iPads). 

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can do work on those and easily transfer them to your computer thanks to Apple products’ seamless ecosystem.


Display is important here too – Apple screens are the best thanks to their DPI technology known as Retina.

This means pixels are very closely together, providing a sharp display that matches the sleekness of the computer’s case design. 

Macs still have a slight edge on Windows computers when it comes to graphic design, but the gap is a lot smaller than it used to be.


3. More Secure

Macs are much less likely to be infected with viruses than PCs. This is partly due to the fact that, since there are many more PC users in the world than Mac users. The less malware are there, specifically for Mac computers. 

Mac computers also run applications in a certain way known as “sandboxing” – third-party apps are closed off, not as able to access files on your computer as they would be on a PC.  Mac OS is also from Unix, which has a lot of security features Windows systems lack.

However, as long as you have a strong antivirus and use common sense, you shouldn’t have any major problems with your Windows computer’s security.


Wrapping Up

The choice between Mac or Windows isn’t easy, but we hope we’ve made it a bit easier for you!

Personal preference is a big factor here, but to sum up:

In case you’re interested in playing the most recent games, you’ll need to go for Windows.

If you’re someone who works in the arts, you will need to take a Mac, in spite of the fact that not fundamentally as a lot of computer program is cross-compatible these days. 

If you just require a computer for basic writing, browsing the Web, and composing e-mails. There’s no need to spend more on a Mac unless you’re in love with Mac OS and/or the physical plan of Mac computers. 

Based in Kuwait market and looking for a new computer? We deal in both Macs and PCs, and are happy to help you find exactly what you’re looking for at a price point that works for you.


Contact us today and we’ll get you sorted with a tailored, effective computer!


